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Data Recovery Coventry

Book Publishing
Datatech D.T.P. offers a low cost way of getting your work into print.
Unlike many so called ‘Vanity Publishers’ Datatech D.T.P. don’t ask you for large sums of money ‘up-front’ or insist that

Publishing Norfolk Suffolk

you order hundreds, if not thousands of copies of your finished book.
Our costs are worked out on a ‘per book’ scale and the minimum order can be as low as 25 copies.
For more information please email us at:-

ISBN9780955126758 ISBN9780955126734 ISBN9780955126741

Sainfoin’s War tells the story of H.M.S. Sainfoin and her crew from 1942 - 1946. It is told by the crew who sailed on her in their own language, complete with dramatic photographs un-available elsewhere.
For more information, ordering details and to view extracts from this publication click on the book cover above.    208mm x  147mm approx., Paperback, Over 140 pages.
ISBN 978-0-9551267-5-8

The Kedge Hook - The Photo Files is a unique collection of personal photographs from members and friends of The L.S.T. and Landing Craft Association. To see more details and ordering information about this book click on the book cover above

208mm x 147mm approx.      Paperback, 154 pages.          £12.99                           ISBN 978-0-9551267-3-4

More value than many sparrows
by William Morris

The fascinating story of the author, covering his early days as a member of the Salvation Army in the Welsh Valleys and his war years with the 36th S&R Flotilla, LBE 51 and LBO 53.

208mm x  147mm approx., Paperback, Over 140 pages.
ISBN 978-0-9551267-4-1


Wartime Walsham by James Turner is a 60 page paperback book telling the story of the North Suffolk Village of Walsham le Willows during the days of the Second World War. For information and ordering details click on the book cover above.

Who Lived in Your House? - People at home in Early Walsham le Willows, Suffolk. Audrey McLaughlin illuminates the lives and characters of the early residents of the North Suffolk Village. For more information and ordering details click on the book cover above.

Magazine Production
We also offer a full magazine and newsletter service.
We can edit, print and distribute your publication. If you would prefer to print and distribute the publication yourself then we will be pleased to just edit it for you.
For the full service we are able to offer both A5 and A4 sized publications in either colour or mono or a mix of the two.
We can even set up a dedicated web site for your publication through our web site services packages.
For more information please email us at:-


The Kedge Hook is the magazine of The LST and Landing Craft Association and is edited, printed and published four times per annum by DataTech D.T.P. Find out more about the Kedge Hook by clicking on the logo above to visit the Kedge Hook web-site

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