IT Support in the Midlands

First Floor Offices, 16 Mere Street, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4AD     Tel: 01379 652053
66 Lord Lytton Avenue, Copeswood, Coventry CV2 5JU
Tel: 07563 552617

The complete I.T. Solution

Software Downloads

On these pages you will find a selection of software to download to your computer. It will be added to when suitable programmes become available. Please note that not all software is hosted on our own servers and you may be re-directed to the software vendor’s own web-site.

openofficelogo is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute.
Click on the link to the left to download this suberb software.


GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.
Click on the logo to the left to download this free software.


Click on the link above to download LavaSoft’s excellent Ad-Aware Personal anti spyware and anti MalWare software. This edition is free to use and full instructions on its use are included.


With the ability to scan your RAM, Registry, hard drives, and external storage devices for known data-mining, advertising, and tracking components, Ad-Aware SE easily can clean your system, allowing you to maintain a higher degree of privacy while you surf the Web.

Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition boasts a number of improvements. Extended memory scanning now scans all modules loaded by a process. Scanning uses the all- new CSI (Code Sequence Identification) technology to identify new and unknown variants of known targets. Extended Registry scanning now scans Registry branches of multiple-user accounts and performs additional smart checks to detect dynamically created references. Scanning speed is noticeably faster, and this version offers an Extended Scanning mode for known and unknown/possible browser hijackers.

Data Recovery Coventry

Anti Virus Software


Clicking on the logo to the left will take you to the downloads page of Bullguard anti virus software. From here you can download and try various versions of Bullguard free of charge for two months. If you wish to purchase a licence to continue using the product after this period you can do so by purchasing a retail box (DataTech D.T.P. are authorised Bullguard re-sellers). Upgrading to the fully licenced version simply entails entering a licence code.  We strongly advise updating via retail purchase as opposed to online registration as this is not only more cost effective but also gives you a hard copy of the software on a CDRom for easy re-installation should the need ever arise   This software is highly recommended. However, a broadband internet connection is required to download this trial version as it is contained in a large file (Version 4.5 for Windows98/ME is
10.6Mb and version 6.1 for Windows 2000 and XP is 17.3Mb

The downloadable trial versions are complete and are only time restricted.


Clicking on the logo to the left will take you to the downloads page of Panda Anti-Virus software where you can try out time limited Panda anti-virus softwrae for free..

By clicking HERE you can perform a full virus check using Panda’s online anti-virus service


MailWasher is a Free program to help you get rid of spam and viruses in your e-mail. MailWasher allows you to preview all aspects of your e-mail on the server before you download it to your computer. Click on the icon to the left to download.

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