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Sainfoin’s War
By W.J. Mitchell and Colin Buckenham


A Letter to the Author

Ministry Of Defence - Room 211 - Archway Block South
Old Admiralty Building - Spring Gardens - London SW1A 2BE

Dear Mr. Mitchell,
H.M.S. SAINFOIN (1945/46)

Your letter dated 8th June has been passed to this office by H.M.S. CENTURION.

No ready made lists of names for individual ships, establishments, courses etc. are held by this office, but a colleague has painstakingly gone through each edition of the Navy List for 1945 and 1946 on your behalf, and the results of his labours are enclosed, (No names are listed for 1944 or 1947)

You will see that virtually all of those listed are either RNR or RNVR officers and, if it is your intention to try to contact them, I should tell you now that no addresses are held for these officers, and we have no means of tracing them now.

Yours Sincerely,


Miss R. Martin

Enclosed was a list of Officers, in three month stages, who served on H.M.S. Sainfoin.

The full lists are included in the printed version of this publication, together with a full list of known surviving crew members.

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